Friday, January 8, 2010

A New Year Means Resolutions. Make the Most of It!

It’s a new year and that means resolutions. I’ve never been a fan of the tradition myself as I am in the opinion that there is no time like now to change for the better. However, it could be said that there is something almost romantic about starting fresh once the clock strikes midnight and a new year (rather decade) clicks over. Perhaps the resolve to improve is stronger with the idea of a clean slate.

That being said, ProMoter Inc. is very excited about the many opportunities abounding in 2010. But, we aren’t leaving it to chance. We’ve made specific plans (a much better word than resolutions) to ensure our success. How are we plotting our year ahead? You may want to take note.
1. Established measureable goals with start and finish dates
2. Made note of obstacles that may stand in our way
3. Identified key resources and people to help in achieving our goals
4. Drafted an action plan
5. Set up monthly meetings directed at measuring our progress

Our goals for this year include ways to nurture new collaborations, discover innovative ways to help all our clients and partner with our suppliers. Now get your goals on paper and start this new decade off with a great start!

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